You are currently converting Length units from Furlongs to Fathoms
1 Furlongs (fur)
110 Fathoms (ftm)
Furlongs(fur) Value:
Results in Fathoms(ftm):
Do you want to convert Fathoms to Furlongs?
How to Convert Furlongs to FathomsTo convert Furlongs to Fathoms, multiply the Length by the conversion ratio. One Furlongs is equal to 110 Fathoms, so use this simple formula to convert:
Furlongs = Fathoms × 110
For example, here's how to convert 5 Furlongs to Fathoms using the formula above.
5 fur = (5 × 110) = 550 ftm
1 Furlongs is equal to how many Fathoms?1 Furlongs is equal to 110 Fathoms: 1 fur = 110 ftm
There are 110 Fathoms in 1 Furlongs. To convert from Furlongs to Fathoms, multiply your figure by 110 (or divide by 0.00909) .
1 Fathoms is equal to how many Furlongs?1 Fathoms is equal to 0.00909 Furlongs: 1 ftm = 0.00909 fur
There are 0.00909 Furlongs in 1 Fathoms. To convert from Fathoms to Furlongs, multiply your figure by 0.00909 (or divide by 110) .
Feet+Inches to Meters Conversion
Feet (ft):
Inches (in):
Meter (m):
Results in Feet+Inches to Meters:
Converting Furlongs and Fathoms
Furlongs | Fathoms | Fathoms | Furlongs |
1 fur | 110 ftm | 1 ftm | 0.00909 fur |
2 fur | 220 ftm | 2 ftm | 0.01818 fur |
3 fur | 330 ftm | 3 ftm | 0.02727 fur |
4 fur | 440 ftm | 4 ftm | 0.03636 fur |
5 fur | 550 ftm | 5 ftm | 0.04545 fur |
6 fur | 660 ftm | 6 ftm | 0.05454 fur |
7 fur | 770 ftm | 7 ftm | 0.06363 fur |
8 fur | 880 ftm | 8 ftm | 0.07272 fur |
9 fur | 990 ftm | 9 ftm | 0.08181 fur |
10 fur | 1100 ftm | 10 ftm | 0.0909 fur |
11 fur | 1210 ftm | 11 ftm | 0.09999 fur |
12 fur | 1320 ftm | 12 ftm | 0.10908 fur |
13 fur | 1430 ftm | 13 ftm | 0.11817 fur |
14 fur | 1540 ftm | 14 ftm | 0.12726 fur |
15 fur | 1650 ftm | 15 ftm | 0.13635 fur |
16 fur | 1760 ftm | 16 ftm | 0.14544 fur |
17 fur | 1870 ftm | 17 ftm | 0.15453 fur |
18 fur | 1980 ftm | 18 ftm | 0.16362 fur |
19 fur | 2090 ftm | 19 ftm | 0.17271 fur |
20 fur | 2200 ftm | 20 ftm | 0.1818 fur |