You are currently converting Volume units from Bushels to Cups
1 Bushels (bsh)
146.82958 Cups (cup)
Bushels(bsh) Value:
Results in Cups(cup):
Do you want to convert Cups to Bushels?
How to Convert Bushels to CupsTo convert Bushels to Cups, multiply the Volume by the conversion ratio. One Bushels is equal to 146.82958 Cups, so use this simple formula to convert:
Bushels = Cups × 146.82958
For example, here's how to convert 5 Bushels to Cups using the formula above.
5 bsh = (5 × 146.82958) = 734.1479 cup
1 Bushel is equal to how many Cup?1 Bushel is equal to 146.82958 Cups: 1 bsh = 146.82958 cup
There are 146.82958 Cups in 1 Bushel. To convert from Bushels to Cups, multiply your figure by 146.82958 (or divide by 0.00681) .
1 Cup is equal to how many Bushel?1 Cup is equal to 0.00681 Bushels: 1 cup = 0.00681 bsh
There are 0.00681 Bushels in 1 Cup. To convert from Cups to Bushels, multiply your figure by 0.00681 (or divide by 146.82958) .
Converting Bushels and Cups
Bushels | Cups | Cups | Bushels |
1 bsh | 146.82958 cup | 1 cup | 0.00681 bsh |
2 bsh | 293.65916 cup | 2 cup | 0.01362 bsh |
3 bsh | 440.48874 cup | 3 cup | 0.02043 bsh |
4 bsh | 587.31832 cup | 4 cup | 0.02724 bsh |
5 bsh | 734.1479 cup | 5 cup | 0.03405 bsh |
6 bsh | 880.97748 cup | 6 cup | 0.04086 bsh |
7 bsh | 1027.80706 cup | 7 cup | 0.04767 bsh |
8 bsh | 1174.63664 cup | 8 cup | 0.05448 bsh |
9 bsh | 1321.46622 cup | 9 cup | 0.06129 bsh |
10 bsh | 1468.2958 cup | 10 cup | 0.0681 bsh |
11 bsh | 1615.12538 cup | 11 cup | 0.07491 bsh |
12 bsh | 1761.95496 cup | 12 cup | 0.08172 bsh |
13 bsh | 1908.78454 cup | 13 cup | 0.08853 bsh |
14 bsh | 2055.61412 cup | 14 cup | 0.09534 bsh |
15 bsh | 2202.4437 cup | 15 cup | 0.10215 bsh |
16 bsh | 2349.27328 cup | 16 cup | 0.10896 bsh |
17 bsh | 2496.10286 cup | 17 cup | 0.11577 bsh |
18 bsh | 2642.93244 cup | 18 cup | 0.12258 bsh |
19 bsh | 2789.76202 cup | 19 cup | 0.12939 bsh |
20 bsh | 2936.5916 cup | 20 cup | 0.1362 bsh |