Imperial Teaspoons to Milliliters Conversion

Convert Imperial Teaspoons to Milliliters (tsp to mL)

You are currently converting Volume units from Imperial Teaspoons to Milliliters

1 Imperial Teaspoons (tsp)


5.91939 Milliliters (mL)

Enter the number of Imperial Teaspoons(tsp) to convert into Milliliters(mL).

Imperial Teaspoons(tsp) Value:

Results in Milliliters(mL):

1 (tsp) = 5.91939 (mL)

Do you want to convert Milliliters to Imperial Teaspoons?

How to Convert Imperial Teaspoons to Milliliters

To convert Imperial Teaspoons to Milliliters, multiply the Volume by the conversion ratio. One Imperial Teaspoons is equal to 5.91939 Milliliters, so use this simple formula to convert:

Imperial Teaspoons = Milliliters × 5.91939

For example, here's how to convert 5 Imperial Teaspoons to Milliliters using the formula above.

5 tsp = (5 × 5.91939) = 29.59695 mL

1 Imperial Teaspoon is equal to how many Milliliter?

1 Imperial Teaspoon is equal to 5.91939 Milliliters: 1 tsp = 5.91939 mL

There are 5.91939 Milliliters in 1 Imperial Teaspoon. To convert from Imperial Teaspoons to Milliliters, multiply your figure by 5.91939 (or divide by 0.16894) .

1 Milliliter is equal to how many Imperial Teaspoon?

1 Milliliter is equal to 0.16894 Imperial Teaspoons: 1 mL = 0.16894 tsp

There are 0.16894 Imperial Teaspoons in 1 Milliliter. To convert from Milliliters to Imperial Teaspoons, multiply your figure by 0.16894 (or divide by 5.91939) .

Converting Imperial Teaspoons and Milliliters

Imperial TeaspoonsMillilitersMillilitersImperial Teaspoons
1 tsp5.91939 mL1 mL0.16894 tsp
2 tsp11.83878 mL2 mL0.33788 tsp
3 tsp17.75817 mL3 mL0.50682 tsp
4 tsp23.67756 mL4 mL0.67576 tsp
5 tsp29.59695 mL5 mL0.8447 tsp
6 tsp35.51634 mL6 mL1.01364 tsp
7 tsp41.43573 mL7 mL1.18258 tsp
8 tsp47.35512 mL8 mL1.35152 tsp
9 tsp53.27451 mL9 mL1.52046 tsp
10 tsp59.1939 mL10 mL1.6894 tsp
11 tsp65.11329 mL11 mL1.85834 tsp
12 tsp71.03268 mL12 mL2.02728 tsp
13 tsp76.95207 mL13 mL2.19622 tsp
14 tsp82.87146 mL14 mL2.36516 tsp
15 tsp88.79085 mL15 mL2.5341 tsp
16 tsp94.71024 mL16 mL2.70304 tsp
17 tsp100.62963 mL17 mL2.87198 tsp
18 tsp106.54902 mL18 mL3.04092 tsp
19 tsp112.46841 mL19 mL3.20986 tsp
20 tsp118.3878 mL20 mL3.3788 tsp